Jane C. Dizon

Detailed Experience

Jane C. Dizon is a digital marketer and writer by day, and a ninja mom by night. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Nursing, but her real passion is writing. She loves to write about anything and everything, including sales and marketing, health and fitness, dating and relationships, and productivity hacks.

Writing Experience

Jane started writing way back in high school. She is a self-proclaimed poet who loves writing fictional short stories. She was Features Editor for the official publication of the College of Nursing at Holy Angel University. Jane started as a web content writer then worked as a search engine specialist and writer for an Australian retailer of gym equipment. She now works as a digital marketing specialist at FREE Branding & Digital in Edmonton.

She also writes for:

Jane's also an editor at DMOZ for the Advertising and Marketing category under Edmonton's Business and Economy. You can read some of her articles on Tumblr.

Digital Marketing Experience

Jane has been hooked to the internet since the day her parents bought their first dial-up modem. She’s been a digital marketer for two years and search engine specialist for five years. She’s now exploring the world of website design and development.

Jane has worked with companies in several industries, including:

  • Mobile devices and accessories
  • Gym equipment
  • Clothing apparel
  • Construction and industrial
  • Real estate

Health and Fitness Expertise

As a registered nurse, Jane was assigned to different hospital areas like Pediatric, NICU, OR, and ER. She was the head writer at Gym and Fitness, a health and fitness blog. She was also featured in other diet and nutrition blogs like Sexy Fit Vegan and The Paleo Diet.

More About Jane C. Dizon

If you'd like to learn more about Jane's work, visit her personal website Jane Dizon.