We all know DNA tests for dogs are plentiful, but the options for our feline friends are definitely limited. Some cat DNA tests focus just on one area, like oral health or allergies. If you're looking for a comprehensive report that'll let you know exactly what breed your kitty is along with their health risks, blood type, and traits, these two cat DNA kits are your best bets.
Basepaws is our No. 1 pick for cat DNA tests because they really take a deep dive into your cat's health. This test screens your cat's DNA for more than 100 genetic markers to see if they're carriers or at risk for life-threatening diseases like hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or polycystic kidney disease.
What's especially cool about the Basepaws test is that they include an Oral Health Report. That's right; based on your cat's sample, the report will let you know if your cat is at risk for dental disease, even if you can't see (or smell) it yet.
As far as the breed analysis, Basepaws isn't quite as thorough as other brands. They screen your cat's DNA against 21 breeds, which really isn't that many. That said, if you're more concerned about the health aspect of DNA testing, this kit is the way to go.
Wisdom Panel has been a leader in pet DNA testing for more than 20 years, so they know what they're doing. Their cat DNA test will screen your kitty for more than 45 different genetic health conditions. This is incredibly valuable information that can allow you to make changes to your cat's lifestyle to help extend their life.
But where Wisdom Panel really shines is in their breed results. They have the largest feline breed database with more than 70 detectable breeds. Plus, they'll give you your cat's breed mix down to any individual breed's 1% percent contribution. Definitely choose this one if finding out your kitty's breed combo is your main objective.
Choose Based on Your Main Goal
Even though we've narrowed it down to the two best cat DNA test kits on the market, it can still be tricky to pick just one. We suggest choosing based on your main goal: if you're more focused on the health aspect of DNA testing, choose Basepaws. If breed info is more your thing, go with Wisdom Panel. And if cost isn't a concern, why not run both? That way, you can get the most information possible.