Frogs are excellent amphibian pets who can teach you about responsibility and provide you with interesting interactions, but if you're not sure which species is right for you, don't worry. Picking a species to begin your frog-keeping journey is no sweat with this guide. Most frogs are low maintenance, and they don't need a lot of space or attention, but they're still fun to watch and interact with.
Australian Green Tree Frog

Australian Green Tree Frogs are a good choice for a first-time frog keeper because they are easy to care for, relatively inexpensive, and can live up to 20 years. In fact, they are one of the most common amphibians kept as pets in the United States. They're small frogs that grow up to 2 inches long from their nose to their rear. They have rough, warty skin and bright green backs that fade to yellowish-green on their bellies. Their legs are also bright green with black bands.
They eat insects, worms, spiders, and other small invertebrates. They will usually eat both crickets and mealworms, though they may prefer one over the other. It is important that you do not feed your frog anything larger than its mouth size, or it could cause injury if your frog tries to swallow it whole!
Australian Green Tree Frogs need water at all times in order to survive. The water should be changed every two weeks or so in order to keep it clean for your frog's health and happiness. You should also make sure that the temperature around their habitat stays between 65 degrees Fahrenheit at night and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day.
Cuban Tree Frogs

Cuban tree frogs are native to Cuba and the Bahamas. They're very popular pets because they are easy to care for and make good pets for kids. Also, they're super pretty!
Cuban tree frogs love resting on leaves and branches, so their tank should be decorated with lots of plants and vines for them to climb on. They also need lots of hiding places so that they can feel safe when you aren't watching them closely, which is most of the time. If you have small children in your household or plan on taking your Cuban Tree Frog out in public, make sure you have a lid on your tank; these little guys can jump pretty high!
White's Tree Frogs
The White's Tree Frog is a great pet for children and adults alike. They are easy to care for and do not require any special equipment for their enclosure. The only accessories you need to keep them happy are a water dish, some paper towels or moss for hiding, and a small reptile light.
These frogs do not need to be kept in a fancy cage or aquarium. In fact, the best enclosure for them is something like an empty fish tank with a screen top. This allows plenty of ventilation while keeping your frog safe from predators like cats and dogs, who might be able to sneak into their cage through an open enclosure door or window.
White's Tree Frogs are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. They will eat insects such as crickets as well as mealworms and earthworms if you feed them on occasion. You can also give them some fruits and vegetables such as apples, bananas, carrots, and peas once in a while so that they have something green in their diet, as well!
Tomato Frogs

Tomato frogs are small and easy to care for. They are very hardy, so they make good companions for beginners. They are also relatively inexpensive and easy to find, making them a great choice for first-time pet owners.
These frogs make excellent pets because they're so easy to feed! Simply provide some fresh water in a dish on the floor of the tank and let your frog hop around looking for crickets or other insects that have fallen into it. As long as there's enough room for your frog to hide under rocks or logs if it wants privacy, there's no need for any special equipment such as lights or heat lamps -- the tank will be just fine without them!
Tomato frogs are known for being docile animals with gentle dispositions; this makes them fun pets because you don't have to worry about handling them too much, or at all.
African Bullfrogs

African bullfrogs are relatively easy to care for (if you can accommodate their adult size), and they're fun to watch. They can grow up to 8 or 9 inches long and weigh more than 2 pounds, and they are considered an invasive species in many areas of the United States. This means that it's illegal to own them in most states, so you will need to check to see if your state allows them prior to purchase.
The most important thing is to get the right enclosure for your bullfrog. The enclosure should be at least 6 feet long by 2 feet wide by 2 feet tall, with a water dish that is deep enough so that the frog can completely submerge itself when it wants to, but not so deep that it isn't able to climb out. You'll also need a substrate material for your frog's home; we recommend using something like coconut fiber or bark mulch.
African Bullfrogs need access to both water and land; they are amphibious creatures! They will spend most of their time in the water, so you'll need a place where they can swim freely without being able to escape from their cage. But they will also come out onto land periodically to bask in the sun or hunt bugs.
Is a Pet Frog Right for You?
Frogs are very easy to care for: all you have to do is make sure they have enough water and food, keep the tank clean, and give them a little light from time to time. Once the setup is complete, they aren't high-maintenance pets. However, you must take their lifespan into account. If you're looking for an unusual pet with a relatively long lifespan and you're prepared to maintain their setup, a frog could be the pet for you.