We can all agree that cats are cute, but there's something about extra small felines that makes them utterly adorable. Some of the world's smallest cats weigh in at just over a pound and measure only 6 to 7 inches long. For reference, a 5-week-old kitten usually weighs about a pound, so yeah, that's really petite for an adult! These tiny cats get their diminutive size from genetic defects, environmental conditions, and sometimes, breed characteristics. We've rounded up the seven smallest individual cats out there, along with petite cat breeds guaranteed to make you "Ooh" and "Aah" from their little size.
Tiniest Cats Around
Several tiny cats have competed for the " Word's Smallest Cat" and "Shortest Cat in the World" titles, but only a select few make the cut. The Guinness Book of World Records tracks entries to find the cat that "fits" the title (pun intended). These are the seven smallest and most popular tiny cats around.
1. Tinker Toy
The current record holder for the smallest cat in the world is Tinker Toy. This tiny Blue Point Himalayan from Illinois measured 2¾ inches tall and was only about 7½ inches long! He weighed 1 pound, 8 ounces. Unfortunately, Tinker Toy passed away in 1997 at 6 years old, but he is still the smallest cat ever on record with the Guinness Book of World Records.
2. Mr. Peebles
Mr. Peebles is a small gray tabby who also held a world record for his size. Weighing in at 3.1 pounds and just over 6 inches in height, Mr. Peebles was dubbed the "Smallest Living Domestic Cat" for much of his life. His small size was due to a genetic defect that kept him from growing normally.
Mr. Peebles was actually the subject of an Internet hoax that was exposed by websites like Snopes.com. A photoshopped image of a tiny black and white kitten went viral, claiming it was Mr. Peebles.
3. Bitsy
Bitsy is another itsy bitsy cat who competed for the title of world's smallest feline and was assessed by the people at Guinness Book of World Records. Bitsy hails from Florida and is a very tiny 1½ pounds and 6½ inches long. Even though she looks like a kitten, Bitsy is a full-grown adult; she's reportedly part Munchkin.
4. Lilieput
Some tiny cats are small all over, whereas others are incredibly short. Lilieput is a cute tortie cat that earned the title as the shortest living cat on record with Guinness. This Munchkin cat was found as a stray and maxed out at 5¼ inches high when fully grown.
5. Pixel
Another cat who fought for the title as "World's Shortest Cat" from Guinness is Pixel. This shorty is a mere 5 inches tall. Pixel and her feline mother, Fizz Girl, proved small size is a family affair, because Fizz Girl was also recognized as one of the shortest cat in the world.
6. Fizz Girl
Fizz Girl was named "Shortest Living Cat" by Guinness in 2011. At 6 inches tall, the Munchkin cat was not only recognized by Guinness, but also became a bit of an online influencer. She developed a huge YouTube following with the fifth most-watched animal video worldwide that year.
7. Cye
Cye was recognized as the shortest living cat in 2014 by Guinness World Records. He's an impressive 5.35 inches tall and, you guess it, he's a Munchkin! Despite an injury to one of his eyes, Cye is a healthy dwarf cat that doesn't seem to have any other issues.
More Tiny Cats
- Pete (1973) was a cat from England that was only 2 pounds when fully grown.
- Itse Bitse (2004) measured 3¾ inches in height.
- Gizmo from Marlton weighed only 2 pounds at 2 years of age.
Smallest Cat Breeds
Any cat can be born with genetic problems that make them tiny, but some cat breeds are naturally smaller than others. The Singapura is the world's smallest cat breed; these petite felines can weigh as little as four pounds and don't get much taller than six to eight inches. Along with the Singapura, there are several other small breeds of cats.
- Somali
- Burmese
- Devon Rex
- Cornish Rex
- Russian Blue
- Siamese
- Munchkin
- Napoleon (Munchkin and Himalayan cross)
- Kinkalow (Munchkin and American Curl cross)
- Lambkin (Munchkin and Selkirk Rex cross)
- Dwelf (Munchkin and Sphynx cross)
- Genetta (Munchkin and Bengal cross)
Taking Home a Small Cat
Whether you are just curious about what the smallest cat in the world looks like or you're interested in a small feline breed to buy, the diversity in cats is amazing to see. If you're choosing a cat breed for teacup size, be sure to ask plenty of questions. It is very difficult to guarantee the size of any animal. Since mini-breeds are somewhat new, you should be prepared to love your cat even if it grows into an average size.