Rabbit jokes for kids and adults are an ear-resistable way to make everybunny laugh! If you want to hare some funny bunny jokes that will crack every bunny up, we have a hare-larious selection of silly rabbit jokes that will make you hop with laughter!
Related: How to Take Care of Pet Rabbits
Ridiculously Funny Rabbit Jokes About Bunny Breeds
Rabbits are ridiculously cute creatures that can make for fantastic pets! Best of all, there are so many rabbit breeds to choose from when searching for your rabbit friend! If you are looking to share some silliness and crack every bunny up, we have some rabbit jokes that are sure to make you hoppy!

What do you call a fluffy bunny with stage fright?
A nervous rex!
Did you hear about the rabbit who turned down the horse's request to go for a run?
Guess she was too hotot to trot!
Why are giant grey bunnies the most laid-back of all rabbits?
They just love to be chinchillin'!
How can you tell that your rabbit is tired?
You will catch himalayan down!
Why should you always get your pet rabbits from Cuba?
Because they're known for always Havana good time!
What do you call a stylish rabbit who grants wishes?
A dandy lionhead!
Why should a doe never go on a date with a Neverland Dwarf buck?
Because he will always want to go Dutch!
Why can you never trust English rabbits to follow through with their wedding?
Because they always e-LOP before the big day!
Why can't pikas be standup comedians?
They aren't very bunny!
Did you know that Napoleon Bonaparte was once attacked by a fluffle of hungry farm bunnies?
Talk about a hare-lariously embarrassing experience!
RELATED: Unbelievably Funny Weird Facts
Un-bear-ably Silly Bear and Rabbit Jokes That Are Paws-itively Punny
These furry creatures both frequent the forest, so they should be the best of friends, right? I guess anything is paws-ible... if they're both vegetarians! These absurdly funny bear and rabbit jokes are sure to make your eyes roll!

What did Baloo say to the bunny?
Look for the hare necessities!
Where did Winnie the Pooh take Rabbit for breakfast?
Why does Thumper love Smokey the Bear?
Because his advice helps to save his deer friends!
Why can't Arctic hares and bears be friends?
They're polar opposites!
What does Winnie the Pooh call his girlfriend?
His honey bunny!
You expect a bunny to bear with a grizzly?
What kind of bear can a bunny always be friends with?
A gummy bear!
Why was the bear embarrassed when he walked in on the Easter Bunny?
He saw Himalayan the eggs for Easter!
Why are bears and rabbits the best animals to celebrate the holidays with?
Because they always remember to wish you a beary Christmas and a hoppy New Year!
Brilliant Bunny Jokes That We Know Thumper Would Tell His Deer Friends
Looking for more silly rabbit jokes? We have some bunny jokes that are worth their weight in 24 carrot gold, so get ready to giggle!

Who are the most famous bank robbers of all time?
Bunny and Clyde!
What happens if you anger a bunny in the middle of summer?
You get a hot-crossed bunny!
Why do bunnies make the best pets?
Because they're always ear for you!
What's a bunny's favorite motto to live by?
Don't worry, be hoppy!
What is the ultimate bunny career?
A hare dresser!
Why do bunnies make the best magician assistants?
They are skilled with creating hop-tical illusions!
What does a bunny say to greet his lady love?
Hi there, hop stuff!
Why do bunnies prefer to work out at night?
Because it's best to hop until you drop!
What do you call a big-eared bunny who saves the day?
A super-hear-o!
What do you call a bunny who wins the lottery?
A million-hare!
Rabbit Jokes for Adults That Will Bring Hare-Raising Laughs
Don't hop away just yet! We have more funny rabbit jokes ready and waiting, so hop to it! We know that you will dig these rabbit jokes for adults!

What do you call a parade of rabbits hopping backward?
A receding hare line!
How can you tell that a wild rabbit made you stew?
You'll find a hare in it!
What do you call drag-racing rabbits?
The fast and the furriest!
Did you hear about the bunny who was arrested for pooping in public?
They sent him to pellet court!
What drink does a rabbit always order at a bar?
An IPA! They can't resist a hoppy beer!
What do you call an uninterested hare?
A bunny who doesn't carrot all!
Why do jackrabbits make the best psychiatrists?
They're all ears!
Why do rabbits make the best mathematicians?
They are great at multiplication!
What do you call a bunny who always looks at the glass half full?
A hoptimist!
Where do rabbits study to become the best doctors?
John Hop-kins!
Eggs-ceptional Easter Rabbit Jokes to Share on His Hoppy Holiday
As we approach the Easter holiday, people will be hopping to church picnics and even the mall to visit their favorite white rabbit. For those looking for a laugh, these eggs-cellent Easter rabbit jokes are sure to tickle your funny bone!

How do you know the Easter bunny is possessed?
He leaves you deviled eggs!
How does the Easter bunny tame wild hares?
With an Easter bonnet!
How does the Easter Bunny feel after a day of delivering eggs?
Hare-ibly eggs-hausted!
What is the Easter Bunny's favorite song?
I Whip My Hare Back and Forth!
What do you call the Easter rabbit when he gets sunburned at the beach?
A hot crossed bunny!
How can you find out the Easter Bunny's location?
Eggs mark the spot!
What did the Easter Bunny say to get Whitney Houston to two-step with him at the Spring formal?
I wanna dance with some bunny!
How does the Easter Bunny prepare for the big day?
Lots of eggs-ercise!
What did the Easter Bunny say when he found a gift from his secret admirer?
I carrot believe it! Somebunny loves me!
Why did the Easter Bunny get mad at the duckling?
He kept quacking his eggs!
RELATED: More Wisequacks About Ducks
Rabbits make fantastic pets, but it's important to remember that wild rabbits should stay in the wild. Not only can you not domesticate them, but there are laws against taking them in. Thankfully, there are plenty of wonderful breeds, both big and small, that can be perfect to add to your home!
Silly Rabbit Jokes for Kids That Will Make Everyone Hoppy
If you are searching for some truly punny rabbit jokes, then we have you covered! And we don't carrot what you think — these silly puns make us very hoppy! We hope they do the same for you!

What's a hare's favorite music style?
What do you call a rabbit in a kilt?
Why should you always take your rabbit to the vet?
Because you don't want him to turn into bugs bunny!
What did the rabbit say to the carrots?
Nice gnawing you!
How do you describe a foolish rabbit?
Why did the rabbit cross the road?
No bunny knows!
How do you get a hare to marry you?
Give her a 24 carrot ring!
What is a bunny's favorite bedtime story?
One with a hoppy ending!
What is a bunny's favorite mode of travel?
Why do rabbits make the best screenwriters?
They always have the best tails to tell!
How do rabbits stay fit?
Hareobics classes!
Rabbit Jokes Are Hare Today, Gone Tomorrow
Unless you have a pet rabbit, you tend to forget about these furry friends after springtime ends. However, if you are looking to add to your family, I can tell you that rabbits can be a fantastic addition to your brood!