Naming your new cat or kitten is one of the best things about bringing him home. If he's a tuxedo cat or features stripes or spots in black and white, look for a name that reflects his fur pattern.
Creative Tuxedo Cat Names
A black and white or tuxedo cat deserves a name as creative and unique as his coloring. Pick one of these cat names for your new furry friend:
- Almond Joy or Joy - Candy with white coconut center and chocolate coating
- Booksy - Book pages printed in black/white text
- Butler - Butlers often don black and white uniforms
- Cappuccino, Capp, or Cino - Black coffee meets white cream in this drink
- Ding Dong - Famous black and white snack cake
- Domino(s) - White game pieces with black dots
- Frenchie - The stereotypical French maid's uniform is black and white
- Keys or Keyes - Keyboard keys that are black and white
- Kindle - Amazon's tablet with books in black/white text
- Kit-Kat - For the famous candy bar
- Minty - Mints maybe be chocolate coated with white inside
- Newsie - Newspapers traditionally printed in black and white
- Oreo - The famous black and white snack cookie
- Page/Paige/Payge - Book pages with black and white text
- Petunia - For the 'Black Cat' variety of flower
- Ref - Referee jerseys are black and white striped
- Rook - A chess piece that can be black or white
- Tux or Tuxie - If your black and white cat has the tuxedo markings
- Yin or Yang - Pick one or the other, on your cat's personality and which color is more prevalent
Famous Black and White Cat Names From Characters
These famous black and white cats have names you may want to use for your new cat. These names come from television, movies, and video games:
- Bustopher Jones - From the musical Cats
- Cait Sith - Final Fantasy VII video game character
- Cat - The main character from The Cat in The Hat book series
- Courageous - From the Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse television show
- Diana - Black cat with white paws from the anime series Jewelpet
- Fat Louie - From The Princess Diaries movies
- Felix - From Felix the Cat
- Figaro - From Disney's Pinocchio
- Jess - From the British children's series Postman Pat
- Kuro - From the manga series Cyborg Kuro-chan
- Lucifer - From Disney's Cinderella
- Mittens - Cat in the movie Bolt
- Mr. Mistoffelees - From the musical Cats
- Sylvester - Looney Tunes cat

Other Famous Animal Character Names
These characters may not be cats, but they are just as famous and have black and white features:
- Bolt - Dog from Bolt
- Chance - Dog in Homeward Bound
- Chilly Willy - Universal penguin character
- Mickey - Male Disney mouse
- Minnie - Female Disney mouse
- Oswald - Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, a Disney toon
- Penelope - Female skunk from Looney Tunes
- Pepe Le Pew - Male skunk from Looney Tunes
- Perdita - Female dog in 101 Dalmations
- Pongo - Male dog in 101 Dalmations
- Snoopy - Black and white dog in Peanuts
- Wheezy - Penguin in Toy Story 2
Names Based On Your Black and White Cat's Features
Your cat may be black and white, but that's not the only thing special about him. Other great names might highlight his fur pattern or his long whiskers:
- Bandana - Bandana fur pattern around the neck
- Bandit - Mask pattern on the face
- Boots
- Browser - Long or fuzzy eyebrows
- Bruiser - For a "black eye" fur pattern
- Dotty or Dottie
- Freckles
- Glasses - Rings around eyes
- Paisley
- Patches
- Socks
- Speckles
- Spot
- Stache - White or black moustache fur pattern
- Stripesy
- Tailster
- Twinkle - Short for Twinkle Toes
- Whiskers

Mythological and Warrior Names for Black and White Cats
Pick a cat name that inspires strength and heroics, or even a bit of supernatural mythology, when you choose your cat's name. Not all warrior are heroes, though, so consider names with a villainous touch, too. Try one of these inspired warrior and mythological names for a black and white cat:
- Athena - Mythological goddess of war
- Ares - Mythological god of war
- Bastet - Egyptian cat goddess
- Battlecat - He-Man's heroic cat
- Brunhilda - Name meaning "armed for battle"
- Chimera - Mythological creature with head of lion (a cat), body of goat, dragon behind
- Dark Knight
- General
- Ghost Shadow
- Gladiator
- Hades - Greek god of the underworld
- Hercules - Greek mythological hero
- Kane Kat - Kane means "battle"
- Lightning
- Maverick
- Mystical Meowsy
- Nightstorm
- Odin - Norse mythological king and/or god of war
- Peacemaker Paws
- Shadow Mist
- Sith - Celtic mythical cat (full name: Cat Sith); a black cat with a white spot on its chest
- Storm Cloud
- Trooper
- Voldemort - Villian from Harry Potter series
- Werecat - Feline version of werewolf
Black and White Cat Names From Flowers
While true black flowers and plants are not common in nature, you will find some with a deep enough coloring to suggest they are black. White and black flowers, even if the dark shade is actually a burgundy, deep purple, or other dark hue, can make great cat names for your new furry friend.
- Diablo - A variety of ninebark that has dark leaves and white flowers.
- Holly - 'Black Magic Hollycock' is a flower with black petals and light center.
- Lily - The 'Black Spider' lily has near-black and white petals.
- Obsidian - This heuchera has deep leaves and may have small white-colored flowers.
- Onyx - 'Onyx Odessey' is a variety of helleborus that is dark with a light center.
- Penny - White outlines the petals of these black (actually purple) flowers called 'Penny Black' nemophila.

Black and White Cats Named After Other Animals
Get inspired by other animals in the wild that have black and white features.
- Badger
- Blackspot Sergeant - Tropical fish with stripes
- Butterfly - Varieties may be black and white, such as the swallowtail
- Dalmation
- Damsel - For the four stripe damselfish
- Holstein - Type of cow
- Panda
- Penguin
- Pinto - Horse with black and white pattern
- Skunk or Skunky
- Tiger - White tigers
- Zebra
More Fantastic Feline Names
When picking out a name for your tuxedo cat, you are not limited to selecting on based on his black and white coloring or features. Instead, you may want to pick out something based on personality, quirks or simply find a cute kitten name:
- Cat personality - If you have a happy cat or a grumpy cat, you'll want to pick a name that reflects his dominant traits.
- Your own traits - Are you an athlete? Name your cat after your favorite sports player. Are you into all things geek? Pick out a nerdy cat name.
- Jokes and puns - Names don't have to be cute or descriptive. Instead, look for a silly cat name that's a pun.
How to Pick the Best Cat Name
If you're not sure what to name your black and white beauty, narrow down your choices to three or four. Test them out for a few days to match them to your cat's personality and you're sure to figure out which one suits him best.