Some cats work well with "soft" names because they have gentle, easygoing personalities. Other cats are more adventurous, outgoing and have bold temperaments that demand a name to match. Finding a male cat name that's truly epic can take inspiration from many places.
Classic Male Cat Names
Some of the most widely used cat names are good choices for an extroverted cat with tons of personality. These common and popular names have been used by cat lovers for decades.
- Alfie
- Angel
- Axel
- Baxter
- Buddy
- Buster
- Casper
- Charlie
- Fluffy
- Jack
- Jasper
- Max
- Milo
- Muffin
- Oliver
- Oreo
- Oscar
- Patch
- Shadow
- Simba
- Simon
- Smokey
- Smudge
- Tiger
- Tigger
- Whiskers

Famous Male Cat Names
Some "real life" cats have become famous for reasons like breaking world's records or hobnobbing with politicians and social media stars. Naming your male cat after one of these famous cats can make your cat stand out from the feline crowd.
- Blackie (The world record richest cat who inherited 15 million British pounds)
- Bob (A street cat who was featured in the book and movie, A Street Cat Named Bob)
- Colonel Meow (A cat with the Guiness World Record for longest fur)
- Hamilton (The "Hipster Cat" with a huge Instagram following)
- Hank (A cat who ran for Senate in Virginia in 2012)
- Jellylorum (T.S. Eliot's cat and the inspiration for Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats)
- Macak (Inventor Nikola Tesla's cat)
- Maru (A Japanese cat who loves boxes and his massive social media fans)
- Oskar and Klaus (A famed Instagram duo of cats)
- Prince Chunk (One of the world's heaviest cats on record)
- Smudge (A cat popularized in the "women yelling at cat" internet meme)
- Snowball (Ernest Hemingway's favorite cat)
- Sockington (Also known as Sockamillion, a cat with a Twitter following of over one million people)
- Socks (President Clinton's cat)
- Stubbs (A cat who was the "mayor" of Talkeetna, Alaska)
- Towser the Mouser (A cat who holds the Guiness World Record for catching the most mice)
- Wilberforce (The "Chief Mouser to the Cabinet Office" who has served under four Prime Ministers in the United Kingdom)
Names of Famous Boy Cats in Books, Film and TV
Another excellent source of names for outgoing, epic male cats are the many cat characters found in books, comics, movies and television shows.
- Aristotle (Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Eliot)
- Aslan (Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis)
- Behemoth (The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov)
- Church (Pet Sematary by Stephen King)
- Crookshanks (Hermione's cat in the Harry Potter series)
- Felix (From the cartoon)
- Garfield (From the cartoon)
- Growltiger (Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats)
- Heathcliff (From the cartoon)
- Hobbes (From Calvin and Hobbes cartoon)
- Jake (The Cat From Outer Space movie)
- Macavity (Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats)
- Maneki Neko (A legendary Japanese cat who brings good luck)
- Mister (The Dresden Files books by Jim Butcher)
- Morris (The 9 Lives cat food spokes-cat)
- Mr. Bigglesworth (Austin Powers movie)
- Norton (A Scottish Fold cat featured in several books, including The Cat Who Went to Paris)
- Pangur Bán (A white cat from a 9th century Irish poem of the same name)
- Pixel (The Cat Who Walks Through Walls by Robert A. Heinlein)
- Pluto (The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe)
- Polar Bear (A white cat featured in several books, including The Cat Who Came for Christmas)
- Pyewacket (Bell, Book and Candle movie)
- Puss in Boots (From the children's story and Shrek 2 movie)
- Sylvester (Looney Tunes cartoons)
- Tao (The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford)
- Tom (Tom and Jerry cartoons)

Strong Male Cat Names
Another way to honor a boy kitty with a strong personality is a name that means strong. These boy cat names are from various languages and cultures and all mean strong and powerful.
- Abelardo (aa-bey-laa-rduw) - Spanish, "noble and strong"
- Abir (ah-deer) - Hebrew, "strong" or "mighty"
- Amos - Hebrew, "strong and brave"
- Amzi (ahm-ze) - Hebrew, "strong"
- Anders (ahn-dehrs) - Scandinavian origin, "strong and manly"
- Andrew - Greek, "strong and manly"
- Angus - Celtic, "very strong"
- Arnold - English, "strong as an eagle" or "ruler"
- Arthur - Celtic, "strong as a bear"
- Aziz - African origin, "strong and esteemed"
- Barrett - German, "strength of a bear"
- Batu (bah-tu) - Mongolian, "strong" or "firm"
- Beren (behr-ehn) - Turkish, "strong and smart"
- Berk (behrk) - Turkish, "strong and solid"
- Bernard - German, "strong as a bear"
- Brian - Irish, "strong and honorable"
- Conall (cahn-al) - Irish, "strong wolf" and the name of a legendary Irish hero
- Egon (ay-gon) - German, "strong with a sword"
- Etan or Ethan - Hebrew, "strong and firm"
- Evander (eh-van-der) - Scottish, "strong man with a bow"
- Fermin (fehr-mihn) - French, "strong"
- Fortney - Latin, "strong one"
- Gang (kahng) - Chinese, "strong and hard"
- Griffin - Welsh, "strong lord"
- Hamza (ham-zah) - Arabic, "strong and steadfast"
- Hartman - German, "hard and strong man"
- Ikaika (ih-hey-ih-kah) - Hawaiian, "strength"
- Jarek (ya-rehk) - Polish, "strong and fierce"
- Jian (chyehn) - Chinese, "strong build"
- Ken (kehn) - Japanese, "healthy and strong"
- Ken'ichi (kewn-ee-chee) - Japanese, "healthy and strong one"
- Kenta (kehn-tah) - "healthy, strong and big"
- Kuwat (koo-waht) - Indonesian origin, "strong"
- Kwan (kwahn) - Korean, "strong"
- Liam - Irish, "strong willed"
- Magni (mahg-ne) - Scandinavian origin, "mighty"
- Maynard (may-nerd) - German, "brave and strong"
- Nero (neer-o) - Roman, "strong and vigorous"
- Oz - Hebrew, "strength and courage"
- Qiang (chyahng) - Chinese, "strong, powerful and energetic"
- Quillon (kill-on) - Latin, "strong" or "crossed swords"
- Swithun (swih-a-hahn) - English, "quick and strong"
- Takeo (taa-keh-ow) - Japanese, "strong as bamboo"
- Valentine - English, "strong and healthy"
- Valentino - Spanish version of Valentine
- Valerian (vah-lihr-iy-ahn) - Latin, "strength and health"
- Valerius (vah-lair-ee-us) - Roman, "to be strong"
- Warrick - English, "strong leader who defends"
- Zuberi (zoo-behr-ee) - Swahili, "strong"

Heroic Cat Names For Boys
Naming your boy cat after famous heroes is another way to approach naming a feline with a big personality. These names cover larger-than-life heroes from ancient stories to modern popular culture.
- Achilles (Greek hero from the story of the Trojan War)
- Ajax (Famous warrior during the Greek Trojan War)
- Alexander (Alexander the Great)
- Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings books and movies)
- Atticus (Finch, To Kill a Mockingbird book and movie)
- Beowulf (Legendary hero in Scandinavian folklore and literature)
- Bruce (Wayne, Batman, DC comics/movies)
- Bucky (Barnes, The Winter Soldier, Marvel comics/movies)
- Cinna (The Hunger Games books and movies)
- Clint Barton (Hawkeye, Marvel comics/movies)
- Conan (Conan the Barbarian books and movies)
- Finnick (The Hunger Games books and movies)
- Frodo (The Lord of the Rings books and movies)
- Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings books and movies)
- Gendry (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- Geralt (The Witcher books, games and show)
- Goku (Dragonball Z manga and anime)
- Han (Solo, Star Wars movies)
- Harry (Harry Potter books and movies)
- Hector (Famous warrior during the Greek Trojan War)
- Hercules (One of the greatest heroes in Greek mythology)
- Ichigo (Bleach manga and anime)
- Indiana (Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark)
- Inigo (Montoya from The Princess Bride)
- Jaimes (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- James (James Bond books and movies)
- Jason (Bourne movies and books)
- Jon Snow (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- Jorah (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- Kirk (James T., Star Trek show and movies)
- Lancelot (Arthurian legend)
- Logan (Wolverine, Marvel comics/movies)
- Luke (Skywalker, Star Wars movies)
- Maximus (Gladiator movie)
- Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice)
- Naruto (Bleach manga and anime)
- Natsu (Fairy Tail manga and anime)
- Neo (The Matrix movies)
- Nick (Fury, Marvel comics/movies)
- Obi (Wan Kenobi, Star Wars movies)
- Odysseus (Hero of the Greek story of The Odyssey)
- Peeta (The Hunger Games books and movies)
- Podrick (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- Remus (Harry Potter books and movies)
- Robin (Hood)
- Rocky (Rocky movies)
- Rooster (Cogburn, True Grit book and movie)
- Saitama (One Punch Man manga and anime)
- Samwell (The Lord of the Rings books and movies)
- Sandor (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- Sherlock (Holmes)
- Sirius (Harry Potter books and movies)
- Sirius (Harry Potter books and movies)
- Spock (Star Trek show and movies)
- Steve (Rogers/Captain America, Marvel comics/movies)
- Superman
- Tarzan
- Thor (Norse God of Thunder, Marvel comics/movies)
- Tony (Stark/Iron Man, Marvel comics/movies)
- Tormund (Game of Thrones books and movies)
- Uhtred (The Last Kingdom books and show; real life Earl of Northumbria)
- Vegeta (Dragonball Z manga and anime)
- Zorro
Finding an Epic Name for Your Outstanding Male Cat
You can also choose a name for your boy cat based on bold and vibrant colors, daring music stars or athletes, or even after personal heroes in your own life. Finding the best name for a kitten who's epic in your life can take some time and thought to get a moniker that's just right.