If you're adopting a zoo tiger or a tiger in the wild to help with conservation, or if you're just looking for a name for your kid's stuffed tiger, you have a lot of choices. We've got a big list of names for you, perfect for a grand, real tiger or a cute, stuffed one.
If you haven't adopted a tiger yet, the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) could definitely use your help. When you adopt from WWF, you'll receive a plush tiger, a tiger photo, and an adoption certificate. And you don't have to worry about where your money is going because over 80% of the funds received go toward conservation efforts.
Fun Female Tiger Names
Should you have the remarkable opportunity to help a female tiger from a conservation organization, like the International Tiger Project, one of your first steps may be picking out the perfect name for her, assuming she doesn't already have one assigned. Even if they've already picked a name, you can give her a unique name to make it personal and make the connection you feel that much more special.

- Aisha: Alive and well
- Athena: Mythical tiger name for the Greek goddess of wisdom and war
- Aurora: Roman goddess of the dawn
- Bala: Strength
- Bagheera: From The Jungle Book
- Clawdia: From Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats
- Daksha: The skilled one
- Devika: Little goddess
- Ella: 'She' or 'her'
- Epiphany: A realization
- Fara: Joyful
- Hathi: From The Jungle Book
- Hira: Diamond
- Jaya: Victory
- Laila: Night
- Qadira: Powerful
- Raksha: From The Jungle Book
- Stanza: A grouping of lines in a poem
- Tana: Goddess of the fire and the stars in Greek mythology
- Tiana: Greek for goddess
- Uma: Tranquility
- Varya: From The Lion Guard
- Vashti: Beautiful
- Villanelle: Type of French poetry
- Yara: Small butterfly
- Zara: Princess
Cool Male Tiger Names
Every name has a special meaning that can be perfect for a male tiger. To pick the right name, look at the tiger's profile on the organization's site to learn about his personality and looks. Then, start the exciting process of choosing his name with your family. This way, you can find a name that really matches who he is and forge a more personal relationship with your pal from afar.
- Axel: Father of peace
- Bijli: Lightning
- Bodhi: Enlightenment, awakening
- Caspian: From the Caspian Sea
- Dante: Steadfast, enduring
- Draco: Dragon
- Eldar: Fire, warrior
- Feroz: Victorious
- Gideon: Mighty warrior
- Haiku: Type of Japanese poem
- Hobbes: From Calvin and Hobbes
- Indra: God of rain and thunder
- Jasper: Bringer of treasure
- Kiran: Ray of light
- Paradox: Contradiction
- Pavati: Clear water
- Phoenix: Mystical bird, rebirth
- Quinn: Wise, intelligent
- Rafael: God has healed
- Samson: Sun, strength
- Tabaqui: From The Jungle Book
- Takio: Strong like bamboo
- Taran: Thunder
- Umar: Life, longevity
- Valerio: Valor
- Vulcan: God of fire
- Wilder: Untamed, wild
- Xerxes: Hero among rulers
White Tiger Names
White tigers are truly breathtaking creatures, each deserving a name as gorgeous as they are. These names might be exactly what you've been looking for to capture the beauty and grace of your white tiger, real or plush.

- Alba: White
- Alpine
- Avalanche
- Bianca: White
- Blanca
- Blizzard
- Celeste: Heavenly
- Chalky
- Eirwen: White as snow
- Elsa: Frozen
- Frosty
- Galaxy
- Gwen: White, holy
- Haku: White
- Jack Frost
- Kaya: Pure
- Orchid: Beautiful flower
- Pearl
- Rosalba: White rose
- Snow White
- Snowbell: From Stuart Little
- Snowy
- Tundra: Arctic plain
- Zuri: White in Albanian
- Yuki: Snow in Japanese
- Zephyr: Gentle breeze
Tiger Names Inspired by Cartoon Movies
You're not just restricted to naming your tiger after characters from tiger-themed movies. Any movie character can inspire a great name for your tiger. This gives you lots of options to find a name that fits your tiger's special personality or look. From heroes to sidekicks, all kinds of movie characters can provide fun and creative name ideas.
- Aslan: The Chronicles of Narnia
- Banzai: The Lion King
- Baloo: The Jungle Book
Cheshire: Alice in Wonderland
Clawhauser: Zootopia
Cogsworth: Beauty and the Beast
- Diego: Ice Age
- Flower: Bambi
- Fuli: The Lion Guard
- Gaston: Beauty and the Beast
- Geppetto: Pinocchio
- Hei hei: Moana
- Hercules
- Jafar: Aladdin
Kiara: The Lion King II
- Kion: The Lion Guard
- Koda: Brother Bear
- Kovu: The Lion King II
- Makunga: Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
- Maleficent: Sleeping Beauty
- Master Tigress: Kung Fu Panda
- Moana
- Mufasa: The Lion King
- Nala: The Lion King
- Pacha: The Emporer's New Groove
- Rajah: The Lion King
- Sabor: Tarzan
- Sarabi: The Lion King
- Scar: The Lion King
- Shenzi: The Lion King
- Shere Khan: The Jungle Book
- Simba: The Lion King
- Tantor: Tarzan
- Thomas O' Malley: The Aristocats
- Tigger: Winnie the Pooh
- Zira: The Lion King II
Miami Zoo, Saint Louis Zoo, and San Diego Zoo Safari Park all recently welcomed new tigers to their zoo families.
Cute Cartoon TV Names for Tiger Stuffed Animals
These names are fun and charming, perfect for naming a stuffed tiger. They are like cartoon characters — playful and lovable. This makes them great for your child's new toy friend. You can choose a name that makes playtime more enjoyable and helps your child feel even closer to their adorable stuffed tiger.
- Appa: The Last Airbender
- Artemis: Sailor Moon
- Azrael: The Smurfs
- Betty Boop
- Boris: The Adventures of Bullwinkle and Friends
- Bugs: Looney Toones
- Caspin: Thundercats
- Charlie: Peanuts
- Daniel: Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood
- Felix: Felix the Cat
- Garfield
- Goten: Dragonball Z
- Gumby
- Jerry:Tom and Jerry
- Kaya: Ghost Stories anime series
- Korin: Dragonball Z
- Kuro: Blue Exorcist anime series
- Linus: Peanuts
- Majin: Dragonball Z
- Marvin: Looney Toones
- Nekobasu: My Neighbor Totoro
- Pepe Le Pew: Looney Toones
- Popeye
- Rochi: Dragonball Z
- Shamisen: Haruhi Suzumiya anime series
- Sokka: The Last Airbender
- Sylvester: Looney Toones
- Tony: Tony the Tiger, Frosted Flakes commercials
- Yakko: Animaniacs
- Zuko: The Last Airbender
Next time you visit the zoo, check out the gift shop. Most have a handful of stuffed tigers that are super cute.
Tiger Names in Other Languages
If you're searching for a name you don't hear as much, look no further. Translating 'tiger' to other languages is a fun way to explore more unique names.
- Harimau: Tiger in Indonesian
- Leo: Greek word for lion
- Sud: Thai word for tiger
- Taika: Tiger in Maori
- Tier: Tiger in Afrikaans
- Tigresa: Tiger in Portuguese
- Tigris: Cub in Hungarian
- Tipu: Tiger in Hindi
- Tora: Tiger in Japanese

Tiger Names Inspired by Great Books
Opening a book is like unlocking a door to a magical new world. If you love books as much as I do, this list of names might be just what you need.
Amory: This Side of Paradise
Argos: The Odyssey
Arya: A Song of Ice and Fire
Bartleby: Bartleby the Scrivener
Behemoth: The Master and Margarita
Bombalurina: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats
Darcy: Pride and Prejudice
Esperanza: The House On Mango Street
Harper: To Kill a Mockingbird
Huckleberry: Huckleberry Finn
Gatsby: The Great Gatsby
Gulliver: Gulliver’s Travels
- Holmes: Sherlock Holmes
- Katsa: Graceling
- Khaleesi: Game of Thrones
- Lisbeth: The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo
- Maurice: The Amazing Maurice and His Educated Rodents
- Max: Where The Wild Things Are
- Merricat: We Have Always Lived In The Castle
- Oliver: Oliver Twist
- Ophelia: Hamlet
Pluto: The Black Cat
Puck: A Midsummer Night’s Dream
Samsa: The Metamorphosis
Scarlett: Gone With The Wind
Tab: Watership Down
Tiger Lily: Peter Pan
Titania: A Midsummer Night's Dream
Tesseract: A Wrinkle In Time
Violet: A Series of Unfortunate Events
Tiger Names Inspired by Marvel
Life just wouldn't be the same without Marvel. As my fiancé and I keep watching our Marvel movie marathon, I can't stop thinking about the incredible creativity in these films. This list might not cover every single one, but it definitely includes some of the most well-known names.
- Ayesha: Guardians of the Galaxy series
- Ayo: Black Panther
- Drax: Guardians of the Galaxy series
- Flerkin: Captain Marvel
- Frigga: Thor series
- Fury: Avengers series
- Gamora: Avengers series
- Hawkeye: Avengers series
- Hogan: Thor series
- Hulk
- Kang: Loki
- Korath: Captain Marvel
- Limbani: Black Panther
- Loki: Loki TV Series and Avengers series
- Lucian: Doctor Strange
- Malekith: Thor series
- Mar-Vell: Captain Marvel
- M'baku: Avengers series
- Mordo: Doctor Strange
- Nebula: Avengers series
- Nicodemus: Doctor Strange
- Ramonda: Black Panther
- Rocket: Guardians of the Galaxy series
- Scarlet: Avengers series
- Shuri: Black Panther
- Skurge: Thor series
- Talos: Captain Marvel
T’Challa: Black Panther
Thanos: Avengers series
- Thor: Thor
- Ultron: Age of Ultron
- Quiksilver: Avengers series
- Valkyrie: Avengers series
- Wolverine: X-Men
- Yondu: Guardians of the Galaxy series
For more names, set a good amount of time aside and check out the list of characters on the Marvel website.
Picking Out a Tiger Name
If you're on the hunt for the perfect name for a tiger, be it a cuddly plush toy, a majestic wild one needing a helping paw, or a furry friend in the zoo, this list is your treasure map. It's packed with names that range from unique and silly for your stuffed sidekick to names that roar with authenticity for those stunning real-life tigers. This list aims to provide inspiration, helping you find a name that not only sounds right but also reflects the unique situation or character of the tiger you're naming.