Frog names can provide you with many choices for your special pet frog. You can choose from different lists of famous frog names, funny frog names, and gender specific frog names to ensure you select the best one for your buddy.
Famous Frog Names List
A few instantly recognized famous frog names come from fictional characters, such as a puppet, animated movie, comics, TV series, songs, video games, and books. You may find one of these names most suitable for your pet frog.
- Dan'l Webster: The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (Mark Twain)
- Ed Bighead: Rocko's Modern Life (Movie)
- Freddie the Frog: Musical animated film (UK animated)
- Freddy Frog: Mia's Big Adventure Collection (Video game)
- Froggy: The Land of Stories (Book series)
- Goliath (Giant Slippery Frog): Largest living frog
- Hypnotoad: Futurama (Animated sci-fi TV series)
- Jeremiah: Joy to the World (Three Dog Night song)
- Jeremy Fisher: The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher (Beatrix Potter book)
- Kermit: The Muppets (Puppet)
- King Harold: Shrek 2, Shrek the Third (Animated)
- Langston: Viva Piñata (Video game)
- Michigan J. Frog: Looney Tunes (Animated)
- Mr. Toad: The Wind in the Willows (Book)
- Pepe: Boy's Club turned Meme (Comic)
- Raleigh: Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (Video game)
- Throg: Loki turned Thor into earthbound frog (Marvel comics)
- Trevor: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Book)
- Wart: Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic/Super Mario Bros 2 (Video game)
- Winky: Donkey Kong Country (Video game)

Funny Frog Names
Not every name has a meaning behind it. Some names are simply funny and are often nicknames or derivatives of similar names. Some funny frog names reference various sounds or physical movements of frogs.
- Barker
- Bubba
- Bubbles
- Bull
- Budweiser
- Chirp
- Cluck
- Cluckie, Clucky
- Croak
- Croaker
- Croaky, Croakie
- Desert
- Diego
- Dixie
- Flyswatter
- Froggy
- Greeny
- Hip Hop
- Hopalong
- Hoppity
- Hopscotch
- Houdini
- Jolly
- Jumper
- Leap
- Legs
- Lily Pad
- Pickle
- Polliwog, Pollywog
- Ribbit
- Rip
- Ripper
- Slippy
- Speckles
- Swampy
- Tadpole, Tad
- Warty, Wart
Cute Nicknames of Type of Frogs
You may find the type of frog names make cute nicknames. You might want to use your pet frog's species for a cute moniker, or you may prefer to choose one from a different type of frog.
- Aromo: Aromobatid
- Brevi: Brevicps
- Dicro: Dicroglassid
- Spooky: Ghost
- Glassy: Glass
- Kal: Kaloula
- Lala: Lalagobatra
- Lepi: Lepidobatra
- Lepto: Leptopelis
- Meso: Mesobatrac
- Neo: Neobatrachia
- Pipi: Pipidae
- Rhaco: Rhacophorus
- Giddy Up: Saddleback
- Suri: Suriname
- Red: Tomato
- Faith: True Blue
- Xeno: Xenopus

Frog Names of Famous People
Famous people offer great choices for your pet frog's name. You may choose a name based on your frog's gender.
Female Frog Names of Famous People
Your female frog might be a good fit with a famous woman. If you have a favorite female celebrity, you can pay tribute to her by naming your beloved pet frog after her.
- Amelia Earhart: Pilot (First solo flight Hawaii to US mainland)
- Anne Frank: Author
- Aretha Franklin: American singer
- Billie Holliday: American jazz singer
- Billie Jean King: Tennis pro
- Candace Cameron Bure: Actress
- Cleopatra: Last pharaoh of Ancient Egypt
- Emily Dickinson: Author
- Florence Nightingale: Founder modern nursing
- Jane Austen: Author
- Joan of Arc: Inspired French Revolt
- Kristy Swanson: Actress
- Lindsey Vonn: World Cup skier
- Lucy Lawless: Actress
- Nina Simone: Jazz Singer
- Princess Diana: Humanitarian
- Rosa Parks: Civil rights activist
- Serena Williams: Tennis pro
- Susan B Anthony: Women's rights activist
- Wilma Rudolph: Olympic sprinter
Male Frog Names of Famous People
You might decide that a famous man's name is an excellent choice for your frog's name. You can choose to use a first, last, or full name.
- Andy Garcia: Actor
- Anthony Hopkins: Actor
- Arnold Palmer: Professional golfing champion
- Bob Knight (The General): Basketball coach
- Brad Pitt: Actor
- Brett Favre: NFL Green Bay Packers quarterback
- Bruce Willis: Actor
- Chris Pine: Actor
- Chris Pratt: Actor
- Clint Eastwood: Actor
- Conor McGregor: UFC Champion
- Dale Earnhardt, Jr: NASCAR driver
- Dean Cain: Actor
- Denzel Washington: Actor
- Frank Sinatra, Singer/Actor
- Gary Sinise: Actor
- James Woods: Actor
- Joe Montana (Joe Cool): NFL quarterback
- John Ratzenberger: Actor
- Jon Voight: Actor
- Kid Rock: Actor
- Leonardo DiCaprio: Actor
- Mark Wahlberg: Actor
- Matthew McConaughey: Actor
- Mel Gibson: Actor
- Peyton Manning: NFL Indianapolis Colts quarterback
- Richard Petty: NASCAR driver
- Tim Tebow: Baseball and football player
- Tom Brady: NFL New England Patriots quarterback
- Troy Aikman: NFL Dallas Cowboys quarterback

Star Wars Character Names
If you're a Star Wars fan, then you might consider one of your favorite characters for your pet frog's name. A few possible names are taken from all of the Star Wars movies.
- Babu Frik
- Briggs
- C-3PO
- Chewbacca
- Ewok
- Finn
- Greedo
- Jabba
- Jango Fett
- Jar Jar Binks
- Kylo
- Lando
- Leia
- Luke
- Mandalorian
- Obi-Wan Kenobi
- Padmé Amidala
- Poe
- Qui-Gon Jinn
- R2-D2
- Rey
- Solo
- Takeel
- Vader
- Yoda
Famous Scientists for Frog Names
You can brag about how smart your frog by giving it the name of a famous scientist. You may discover a scientist you didn't know and decide to explore their work further. You may choose the commonly used first or last name that best fits your pet frog's intelligence.
Famous Female Scientists
Female scientists have been overlooked and, in some cases,, their work used by their male colleagues without credit. You may decide that your female frog deserves the powerful name of one of these brave and brilliant women.
- Anning (Mary): Paleontologist
- Ball (Alice): Chemist
- Burnell (Jocelyn Bell): Discovered pulsars
- Carson (Rachel): Environmental pollution
- Cori (Gerti): Biochemist, Nobel Prize
- Elion (Gertrude B): Biochemist, Nobel Prize
- Franklin (Rosalind): Researcher, DNA, RNA, and double-helix discovery
- Hodgkin (Dorothy): Chemist, Nobel Prize
- Hopper (Grace): Computer scientist/US Navy rear admiral
- Johnson (Katherine), NASA mathematician
- Lederberg (Esther): Microbiologist
- Lovelace (Ada): First computer programmer
- Madame Curie (Marie): Co-discovered radium/polonium
- McClintock (Barbara): Geneticist, Nobel Prize
- Meitner (Lise): Nuclear physics
- Noether (Emmy): Noether's theorem
- Ride (Sally): Astronaut, first American woman in space
- Rubin (Vera): Astronomer, pioneer
- Stevens (Nettie): Discovered chromosomes dictate sex of organisms
- Wu (Chien-Shiung): Nuclear physicist

Famous Male Scientists
From Ancient Greece to the current era, the names of male scientists are readily recognized. The contributions of famous male scientists might inspire you in choosing a strong energetic name for your pet frog.
- Archimedes: Mathematician/engineer (Ancient Greece)
- Bell (Alexander Graham): Engineer, invented telephone
- Copernicus (Nicolaus): Mathematician
- Crick (Francis): Co-discovered DNA, RNA, and double helix
- Curie (Pierre): Co-discovered radium and polonium
- Einstein (Albert): One of three fathers of physics
- Faraday (Michael): Inventor of Faraday cage
- Franklin (Benjamin): Polymath, a founding father of USA
- Galileo: One of three fathers of physics
- Hawking (Stephen): Black hole physics
- Hubble (Edwin): Astronomer, extragalactic astronomy
- Linnaeus (Carl): Father of taxonomy
- Newton: One of three fathers of physics
- Nobel (Alfred): Inventor, created Nobel Prize
- Pasteur: Invented pasteurization process
- Sagan (Carl): Astronomer
- Schrödinger (Erwin): Schrödinger's cat theory
- Tesla (Nikola): Inventor (A/C current)
- Watson (James): Co-discovered DNA, RNA, and double helix
- Wilkins (Maurice): Co-discovered DNA, RNA, and double helix
Famous Philosophers
If you admire famous philosophers, then you'll appreciate a list of names of both men and women philosophers. You may decide to use the philosopher's full name or choose to create a nickname.
Female Philosophers in History
If your female frog needs a strong name, a female philosopher is a good choice. You may decide to use the philosopher's full name, or you might use one name.
- Diotima of Mantinea: circa 440 BC
- Émilie du Châtelet: 1706-1749
- Hipparchia of Maroneia: 350- 280 BC
- Hypatia: 360-415 AD
- Lady Anne Conway: 1631-1679
- Mary Astell: 1666-1731
- Mary Astell: 1666-1732
- Taylor Mill: 1807-1858
- Theano: circa 546 BC
- Themistoclea of Delphi: circa 6th century BCE

Male Philosophers of Ancient Greece
You can show just how philosophical your pet frog is when you bestow him with an Ancient Greek male philosopher's name. You may decide an abbreviated version of a longer name is in order to keep your frog's name short. The list of philosophers of Ancient Greece appears in a descending order of birth.
- Thales of Miletus: 620-546 BC
- Anaximander: 610-546 BC
- Pythagoras: 570-495 BC
- Parmenides: 560-510 BC
- Anaxagoras: 500-428 BC
- Zeno: 490-430 BC
- Empedocles: 490-430 BC
- Socrates: 469-399 BC
- Plato: 427-347 BC
- Aristotle: 384-322 BC
Frog Names for Your Favorite Pet
With over 200+ frog names, you're sure to find one to fit your favorite pet frog. Depending on your frog's personality, you may find a specific list the easiest way to browse possible names.