Chameleon pet names can range from cool to cute. You may decide your chameleon lizard deserves a good, silly, or truly unique name. There are lots of names for you to consider, from the classic "Karma" to cool chameleon names like "Mali" or even fun choices like "Antsy."
Cute Chameleon Pet Names
Chameleon pets are cute and display playful antics. You can capture your chameleon's personality with the perfect name. Try calling your pet chameleon a few names before deciding on the best one.

- Artie
- Avocado
- Bitsy
- Bliss
- Bopper
- Bunky
- Butterfly
- Chase
- Cheery
- Corky
- Cosmo
- Curly
- Cutter
- Dimples
- Echo
- Emerald
- Fancy
- Flinch
- Flint
- Flyboy
- Flygirl
- Gambol
- Gremlin
- Hoppity
- Imp
- Jade
- Joy
- Leafy
- Lefty
- Lucky
- Mac
- Maci
- Maddie
- Mali
- Milo
- Moe
- Nippy
- Nymph
- Pantsy
- Pixie
- Pogo
- Pinball
- Precious
- Quincy
- Skippy
- Snapper
- Speedy
- Springer
- Sprite
- Tic Tac
- Tiddly
- Tiny
- Tippy
- Trippy
- Verdie
- Vinny
- Whiplash
- Zigzag
- Zippy
- Zoom
Cool Chameleon Pet Names
You want to have the coolest chameleon in the neighborhood. That means you need a really cool name that will help your pet stand out from all the others.

- Ace
- Anakin
- Basil
- Beanie
- Blu
- Cameo
- Camo
- ChaCha
- Charlie
- Chitchat
- Dano
- Deepster
- Dewey
- Dino
- Duke
- Ellie
- Emmy
- Evie
- Fern
- Fitz
- Frodo
- Froggie
- Gem
- Green Arrow
- Hal
- Hale
- Hamlet
- Hans
- Howie
- Hunter
- Indigo
- Itsy
- Jazz
- Juni
- Kelly
- Kimmie
- Lark
- Lem
- Leon
- Lexie
- Lizzy
- Louie
- Luci
- Maverick
- Max
- Mel
- Moe
- Neon
- Nico
- Ollie
- Piper
- Poppy
- Reggie
- Rosco
- Ryder
- Sage
- Skywalker
- Tripp
- Wren
- Wyatt
Fun Food, Spice, and Herb Names for Chameleon Pets
If you're a foodie, you can combine your love of food with your adoration for your chameleon pet. Choose a name that will honor both.

- Ale
- Ambrosia
- Berry
- Blue (cheese)
- Bon Bon
- Brandy
- Brie
- Brownie
- Cheddar
- Cheesecake
- Cheetos
- Chili
- Chip
- Cinnamon
- Cocoa
- Cookie
- Cream Puff
- Dumpling
- Feta
- Figgy
- Fritter
- Ginger
- Gouda
- Green Bean
- Herb
- Honey
- Jasmine
- Java
- Kale
- Kiwi
- Laura
- Lemon
- Mocha
- Muffin
- Nacho
- Nori
- Nuggets
- Olive
- Oreo
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pepper
- Pepperoni
- Pita
- Pizza
- Poppy
- Pudding
- Quince
- Reese (Reese's Cup)
- Roe
- Shrimp
- Sprout
- Sushi
- Sweetpea
- Taco
- Taffy
- Taro
- Tater
- Tofu
- Wonton
Funny, Silly, and Good Chameleon Pet Names
Sometimes you want to have a pet name that is nonsensical and just fun to say. Try the name on for size by saying out loud to see if it fits.

- Antsy
- Baba
- Biddy
- Boo
- Brainy
- Cheesy
- Chippy
- Cocky
- Coco
- Cowboy
- Crummy
- Cuckoo
- Daba Doo
- Diddlly
- Doc
- Droopy
- Dubba
- Feisty
- Flappy
- Flippy
- Flipper
- Gaffy
- Gassy
- Ghost
- Gobbler
- Gomer
- Goober
- Goofy
- Grubby
- Grumpy
- Happy
- Hawkeye
- Homey
- Honkey
- Horsey
- Hubba
- Koko
- Lala
- Loopy
- Mojo
- Motley
- Pappy
- Piddly
- Sappy
- Scrappy
- Sleepy
- Slimy
- Smiley
- Snappy
- Sneezy
- Spooky
- Tipsy
- Topsy
- Trapper
- Trippy
- Tubby
- Twiggy
- Twirly
- Wonky
- Zapper
Holiday Names for Pet Chameleons
If you received your chameleon pet as a gift for a holiday, then you may want to name it after the season to pay tribute. You'll want to consider how the pet name reflects your special chameleon and the holiday gifting.

- Angel
- April
- Autumn
- Baby
- Bell
- Berry
- Blitzen
- Blitzen
- Bow
- Bunny
- Candy Cane
- Carol
- Cherub
- Chick
- Chris
- Crimson
- Cole (coal)
- Comet
- Cupid
- Dancer
- Dasher
- Donner
- Eggnog
- Elf
- Eve
- Faith
- Firecracker
- Freedom
- Gloria
- Goosey
- Grinch
- Holly
- Icicle
- Ivy
- Jingle
- Joseph
- Joy
- June
- Kris
- Mary
- May
- Mittens
- Nicholas
- Nick
- Noelle
- Patriot
- Prancer
- Red (Christmas gift)
- Ribbon
- Rose (Christmas gift)
- Rudolph
- Santa
- Snowball
- Spangle
- Sparkler
- Star
- Summer
- Turkey
- Vixen
- Yule
Unique Chameleon Pet Names Range From Cool to Cute
You don't want to settle for a mundane name for your really fun chameleon pet. Choose the name that best reflects your chameleon's personality and your personal style.