The best rabbit bedding adds a layer of comfort to their environment. Rabbits chew on everything, and they often eat their bedding. So, pet rabbit owners should use non-toxic, unscented, dye-free paper bedding or material to insulate the enclosure. Many pet lovers struggle with indoor rabbit bedding options as you don't want your rabbit to confuse bedding with litter if they live in an indoor cage or hutch.
Best Rabbit Bedding Brands
Wild rabbits line their burrows with fur and natural materials. With that in mind, pet rabbit owners often create a special sleeping area in the rabbit's hutch. Pet rabbits quickly learn bedding is for napping. A rabbit's personality dictates the setup and type of sleeping quarters they'll need. An old bunny spends more time on bedding than an active adult. The rule with seniors is soft material for their achy joints.

The Hamiledyi brand sells grass mats for bunnies. Rabbits nap and nibble on the mats at the same time. Pet owners characterize the grass mats as both a safe place for rabbits to sleep and an area that satisfies their need to chew. Many bunny enthusiasts reviewed the grass mat on Amazon, and the video testimonials make it clear that bunnies love this type of bedding.

Soft Bedding for Older Rabbits
Older rabbits benefit from soft bedding material. Seniors (bunnies between the ages of five and eight) aren't as active and spend more time on their bedding than young rabbits. Kaytee Clean & Cozy Extreme Odor Control bedding is a product rabbit owners use for older pets. The soft, absorbent bedding encourages burrowing or nesting. Senior rabbits develop joint and bladder issues. Pet rabbit owners living with elderly rabbits change bedding frequently to avoid urine scalding.
Healthy DIY Rabbit Bedding Ideas
Shredded newspaper is a popular yet terrible idea because rabbits nibble and eat all the ink, which can be toxic. Never spend a fortune on bedding when you can get many of these options from around the house.
- Plain (no-ink) paper fed through a shredder
- Old towels
- A cardboard box
- An unused dog or cat bed
Rabbit Bedding Materials to Avoid
Rabbits are easy going and low maintenance, but there are many materials to steer clear of that can make your bunny sick.
- Wood chips and shavings can be toxic.
- Clay cat litter (or cat litter in general) can be toxic.
- Sawdust or dusty hay is a respiratory hazard.
- Straw can be confusing for indoor rabbits because they can also eat it or urinate on it.
- Blankets can be a choking hazard.
Is Rabbit Bedding Necessary?
Rabbit owners must decide if any bedding type is necessary for a bunny enclosure inside their home or outdoors. A rabbit's private sleeping sanctuary is a comfortable place for bunnies and senior pets to rest. Avoid dusty and toxic bedding known to cause illness in rabbits. Pet lovers can use grass mats, shredded plain paper, or small baskets for their rabbits.