No matter which cozy home you pick for your adorable guinea pig, it's important to make sure their living space has a minimum of four-six square feet for daily exercise. No cage is flawless, but we've got some top picks that stand out for their great design, sturdiness, how safe they make your guinea pig feel, and how simple they are to keep spick and span. The smaller ones aren't great for daily living, but could be good as travel homes, for when you're visiting family. Your little furry friend always deserves a comfy and secure spot to call home!
If you're looking for a cage that will be large enough to add some enrichment activities, this could be just what you're looking for. Add your own accessories and create your guinea pig's perfect space.
Guinea pigs do not tolerate extreme temperatures well, so it's important to place your Guinea pig cage in an area with adequate temperature controls. Avoid placing them where they might be subject to cold drafts in the winter or in direct sunlight in the summer. Learn more guinea pig care basics.
This cage offers eight square feet of living space to give your guinea pig room to roam. This is especially great for the space needed to offer hay and other scavenged foods, while keeping daily clean-up easy.
This habitat includes two water bottles, two hay feeders, a feeding bowl, and a raised area specifically for feeding and drinking, offering your guinea pig ample space to roam and explore.
If you keep them in an enclosure that is too small, Guinea pigs will become depressed and are more prone to develop illnesses. A single Guinea pig should ideally have six square feet of space or more. A cage with a solid floor is optimal over one that's grated, too. Find out more ways to extend your Guinea pig's lifespan.
This enclosure lets you see your cavies through the clear acrylic walls. It also features a completely open top, allowing plenty of air flow. Consider adding some cat grass to your cavy's enclosure for a fun time noshing and a nice color variation.
This enclosure allows your guinea pig to explore different areas with separate rooms for sleep and play.
Changing around the arrangement of your cage from time to time can give your cavy a whole new "room" to explore. Guinea pigs are intelligent and enjoy things that help them roam and explore or express other natural behaviors.
If you're looking for a two-tier cage that will hold your cavy's bedding, this could be exactly what you're searching for.
This enclosure features a balcony with a ramp, a tip-proof food dish, and a hideaway space under the balcony for your cavy to feel secure. Help your cavy popcorn with joy by adding items to sniff, touch and chew.
This wooden enclosure can provide a fun environment for your guinea pig to relax and play.
This two-tier guinea pig cage can provide some enrichment, but your cavy shouldn't spend all their time in something this size.
This cage is smaller than some others, but it can work if you're planning to let your cavy free-roam outside of their cage on a regular basis.
Enrich Your Cavy's Life
Picking the right cage for your guinea pig is a wonderful opportunity to enhance their quality of life, as they will spend most of their time in it. Investing in the best cage within your budget is a thoughtful way to ensure your pet's comfort and happiness. View this purchase as a long-term investment in your guinea pig's well-being. A high-quality cage not only provides a safe and enjoyable environment for your furry friend but also tends to have greater durability and longevity compared to less expensive alternatives. This means more happy and healthy years for your guinea pig in a home they’ll love.